Walking through the Archway the light has changed. 

You are out of sight and I want to see more of what you do now. I have to move very slowly, very silently, I must tenderly tippy toe here. You cannot know, you cannot hear me. No sudden moves here. No sounds here. There are no secrets here. No hiding places here. All the walls have eyes here. All the shadows glare here. 

Their eyes are squinting in the darkness. They collude, if they could spit at you, oh, if only. But they are worried, that I can feel. They are uncomfortable, and you are dangerous. If eyes could speak, if only eyes could speak….

You know what is coming…. How do you know? 

Moving cautiously, heart beating faster, mouth dry, breathing shallow, You stop, one hand on the wall for guidance, the other reaches deep into your pocket and pulls out… 

Ha, I cannot say, I will not say. It is so disgusting, so revolting, so utterly vile and I love the tease, I love…..That I will not tell you, dear reader, what You hold, because that would spoil the fun. 

Holding it up, it dangles in front of you….. You wait. No breath, eyes white, streaming tears still flooding the ground around you. The flagstones on the passage are wet, but too wet for just your tears, now, as you wait, barely breathing. I am confounded by the water level. 

The only sound is the trickling of liquid moving on stone…… and the splash of tears endlessly falling. 

Then. The building shudders and the ripples catch the light in the puddles. 

A vile scream, a loud howl, a furious yell, hard to tell what it is. All guts clench. All breath is held in terror. 

Eyes fly from side to side, whipping around and around, bovine-like in the horror, scanning, stretching into the corners to see, to know. 

The birds are silent, the dogs turn towards you, ears back, teeth bared, the cats slink down, tails flicking. 

And as the Horror roars again, liquid roars down the corridor, a bore of liquid pours down the staircase towards you. The sound is deafening. 

I watch, transfixed, as you slowly raise your hand, up in front of your face. 

The deluge stops, in a massive solid wave, a wall, a dark wall of what now looks like glass has abruptly solidified in front of you. Silence suddenly sings, absolute silence.

And your tears have stopped. Just like that. 

There is a sharp sound, a loud hissing sound, I want to put my hands over my ears, I want to turn away, my face screwed up in discomfort